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此文檔由會員 cnlula 發(fā)布


頁數:18 字數:7636


為檢測Bt抗蟲棉棉籽及棉籽油對哺乳動物的誘變活性,以評價轉Bt基因抗蟲棉的安全性,本實驗以環(huán)磷酰胺作為陽性誘變劑,以普通棉的棉籽及棉籽油作為對照物,同時設陰性對照組,以成年封閉群昆明種雄性小鼠為實驗材料,將棉籽粉或棉籽油摻入飼料中飼喂小鼠,檢測小鼠骨髓嗜多染紅細胞(Polychromatic erythrocytes , PCE)微核率(Micronucleus frequency, MN()和精子畸變率(Sperm malformation rate)。實驗結果顯示,飼喂棉籽及棉籽油飼料的實驗組的微核率與陰性對照組相比,大多數P>0.05,無顯著性差異,有四組P<0.05,但它們的微核率比陰性對照組小,即這四組的微核率顯著小于陰性對照組;與陽性對照組相比,P<0.001,都有極顯著差異。上述實驗組的精子畸變率與陰性對照組相比,P>0.05,無顯著性差異;與陽性對照組相比,P<0.05,有顯著性差異。結果表明:在本實驗條件下,Bt抗蟲棉與普通棉的棉籽及棉籽油對小鼠體細胞和性細胞均未顯示出誘變活性,且沒有劑量效應。

關鍵詞:Bt抗蟲棉, 棉籽, 棉籽油, 嗜多染紅細胞微核率, 精子畸變率

Study on Mutagenicity of Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Oil
of Bt-transgenic Cottons


To evaluate the safety of insect resistant cotton plants,which express a Bacillus thuringiensis protein,the mutagenicity of cotton seed and cotton seed oil on mammals was examined.The raw cotton seed and oil was mixed into mice’ diet. Using cyclophosphamide as positive control,non-modified cotton seed and cotton seed oil as controls, this study tested the micronucleus frequency in mice bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes and the sperm malformation rate.The results showed that there’s no significant difference between most of the seed groups,oil groups and the negative control(P>0.05) or that the micronucleus frequency of the seed and oil groups is significantly lower than the negative control(P<0.05).On the other hand,there existed significant difference between the seed groups,oil groups and the positive control (micronucleus test P<0.001,sperm malformation test P<0.05).
To conclude,under the condition of this test,the seed and seed oil of Bt and non-modified cottons showed no cytomutagenicity or genomutagenicity on mice,and dose effect was not observed.

Key Words: Bt-transg