


xx證券上海xx營業(yè)部風險管理存在的問題論文,摘要在社會的經濟活動中,證券公司是通過對風險的管理而獲得利益,在尋求風險與利益的相對平衡中生存并完成其所承擔的社會經濟職能。由此可見,風險時刻伴隨著證券公司,影響著證券公司的業(yè)務活動。證券公司要想在當前競爭激烈、充滿風險的市場環(huán)境中求得發(fā)展,就必須對風險進行管理。 本文在對國內外證券公司所采用的風險管理比較分析的基礎上...
分類: 論文>經濟學論文


此文檔由會員 白癡學東西 發(fā)布



The Study of Risk Management for
Guang da Securities Company

In the economic activity of the society,the securities corporation acquires an
advantage through risk management,and seeks the relative balance of the risk and interest to survive and finish its social economic function.Therefore,the risk follows the securities corporation constantly,and influences the operational activities of the securities corporation. If the securities corporation wants to get development in present fierce competition,it must manage the risk.
The textual research object is to conduct riskmanagement of Guang da Securities Shanghai Century Road Securities Sales Department.First of all, described the research background, and second, introduced the domestic and international research on risk management situation, and then introduced the theory on risk management, the fourth, introduced the Century Road Shanghai Guang da Securities Sales Departments' business development , business Scope and risks , the fourth,In thecountry, both within and outside experts and scholars on the basis of theoretical study, based on risk management and other related theories, from the risk management and control, Guang da Securities Shanghai Century Road Sales Department's risk,and this risk management problems and measures to be taken to improve.Finally,This article describes the conclusion of the study,research and further research.
Key words:Securities Company Risk Risk Management